Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama to have quite a day

The President will have quite a day today. His schedule includes the following:

1. A prayer service with his wife at the National Cathedral;

2. An Open House at the White House;

3. A meeting with his economic advisers to discuss next steps to solve the debacle of Bush's economic policies; and

4. A meeting with senior commanders and top national security aides to discuss next steps to resolve Bush's debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Time Magazine observed:
Among the possibilities for the first day was the naming of a Middle East envoy, critical at a time of renewed hostilities between Israelis and the Palestinians; an order closing the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a move that will take considerable time to execute and comes on the heels of a suspension of war crimes trials there pending a review; prohibiting — in most cases — the harsh interrogation techniques for suspected terrorists that have damaged the U.S. image around the globe; overturning the so-called Mexico City policy that forbids U.S. funding for family planning programs that offer abortion; and lifting President George W. Bush's limit on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
Music to my ears.


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