You almost have to laugh watching this much outrage coming out of Hollywood. I've never been one to pay much attention to the sleazy tabloids or the innumerable useless factoids about celebrities, but I have to admit, I'm enjoying the smackdown they're giving Sarah Palin. Since the primaries ended, Hollywood has remained relatively quiet about the presidential race -- until, of course, John McCain decided to put Palin in the spotlight. She is anathema to everything our liberal stars hold dear: her political ideology is positively prehistoric, the sort of positions born of nightmares. So naturally, our stars are reacting accordingly.
Here we have Gina Gershon toting a gun and wearing some kind of bathing suit. Clearly a devastating blow to the McCain campaign.
See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die
Look! Even Ben Stein hates her! She scares him. And apparently feels like he's in a mental hospital. (I know that feeling.)
And who could forget the spectacular reaming provided by Matt Damon?
The best line being:
"I need to know if she really believes dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago. I want to know, I really do. Because she's gonna have the nuclear codes."Always liked the guy, but he won major points from me during this interview. (Should I give him favorite actor status?) He makes a good point, though. Palin's line of thinking isn't just archaic -- it borders on delusional. When I think of this woman potentially obtaining the power to set off a string of missiles, a shiver runs down my spine -- and not the good kind.
Even Pink is weighing in! It's not as if anyone cares what she has to say, of course, but frankly I'm just stymied that I'm finally nodding my head approvingly at something that came out of her mouth:
“If I were writing a letter to Sarah Palin, it would be a lot of whys and hows. Who are you? Do you know? Why do you hate animals? Please point out Iraq on a map...This woman hates women. She is not a feminist. She is not the woman that’s going to come behind Hillary Clinton and do anything that Hillary Clinton would’ve been capable of . . . The woman terrifies me.”As she should, Pink. As she should. And yes, my dear, she does hate animals. Blasting animals with a high-powered weapon from a helicopter isn't half as awesome as the NRA, the NHA, and Sarah "lipsticked pitbull" Palin make it out to be. But you'd never know it from the following photograph, would you? Looks like a party!
![Image Hosted by](
Oh my. That looks painful. Well, at least the baby seems to be enjoying it.
And you have my word, that pic is legit. I know because I found it on the Internets. Unedited. I'm sure PhotoShop didn't come within 5,000 pixels of it.
So the celebrities are yammering as loudly as possible about what an... unfortunate sort of human being (I'm using the term loosely, give me a break) Sarah Palin is. Now the question is, should we be concerned about this? The MSM thinks we should. As it has so worriedly pointed out, the louder the celebrities are, the more it looks like Senator Obama is in cahoots with the all-terrifying "liberal elite". Maybe we should be worried about public perception? Should we be scared of another "Obama is a celebrity" ad forthcoming from the McSame/Failin campaign? Well, I'm thinking No. The likelihood that a bunch of raucous Hollywood types are going to affect the outcome of the race seems slim. The average person doesn't care about endorsements, particularly celebrity endorsements (except for Oprah's, of course), and I seriously doubt anyone is particularly fussed over what Meg Ryan and Ben Affleck have to say. Still, it's funny to watch. I almost feel bad for McCain and Palin having this much outrage and hilarity thrown in their direction.
But hey, at least McCain still has Sylvester Stallone, Jon Voight, and Chuck Norris on his side. That's a formidable line-up right there. They could totally kick Pink's ass. Then again, McCain probably could too.
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