Monday, September 22, 2008

Hillary to the Rescue!!

This puts a HUGE smile on my face!

Hillary just held a private conference call with Ohio Governor Ted Strickland and dozens of donors to her campaign and to Ohio Dems, urging them to plow funds into the coffers of the Ohio state party so it can help execute the ground game on Barack Obama's behalf, a Hillary aide confirms to me.

"There isn't any doubt that Ohio once again will be the pivotal state in this election and I know that it's extremely close in the state," Hillary told the donors, according to excerpts of the call sent our way by her office.

Hillary also promised extensive future visits to the state on Obama's behalf. "I will be back campaigning up and down the state to make the case that the failed leadership of the last eight years should not be rewarded with another four," she told the donors.

If the most recent polls released are correct, then Ohio is a genuine toss-up swing state that's within our reach. With Hillary promising more support to the Ohio Democratic campaign, this may be the one lift up that's enough to put Obama over the top. If there's anyone who can vouch for Obama's ability to make real change to help real working people, it's Hillary Clinton. And with her and all of us uniting to help Democrats here, there may be nothing the McBush GOP campaign can do to stop us!

Btw if you want to help Hillary win Ohio for Obama, sign up here & give here! :-)


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