Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alegre's Corner

We Clintonistas all love Hillary Clinton, but though she perhaps may be rivaled, I doubt there is a Clintonista who loves Hillary Clinton more than does does Alegre. I have had the honor and privilege to meet Alegre. She and I worked the telephones on the day of the Potomac Primary at Hillary's headquarters in Arlington. At the time, my doubts about Obama were so strong that I suggested to Alegre I wouldn't vote for the ticket in the Fall if Obama were at its head. Alegre is a great Democrat, and she told me that the stakes were too high to let John McCain roll into the White House. She told me she would be for the Democratic nominee whoever she or he was. Alegre on Potomac Tuesday was of one mind with Hillary last night.

Alegre has posted on her web site what she styles, Hillary's Kick-@ss Speech from last night. I agree with Alegre's assessment of the speech, and I agree with Hillary, too:
You know, I'm -- I'm here tonight as a proud mother, as a proud Democrat...

... as a proud senator from New York...

... a proud American...

... and a proud supporter of Barack Obama.

My friends, it is time to take back the country we love. And whether you voted for me or you voted for Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose.

We are on the same team. And none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines. This is a fight for the future, and it's a fight we must win together.
Hillary spoke real words of wisdom last night, and I hope we all may be of one mind and one heart with the Alegre who spoke so compellingly to me on Potomac Tuesday and one mind and one heart with the Hillary who spoke so compellingly to us last night.

We all love Hillary Clinton, but love sometimes demands hard things from us: It is time to take back the country we love, and with Hillary, I am a proud supporter of Barack Obama.


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