Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pew Sez: People Prefer Obama on Pocketbook Issues

Take a look at The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and their new poll on the economy. It's fascinating how so many Americans remain optomistic about our economic future. I wonder when Phil Gramm will come out of hiding to call us "a nation of Pollyannas", since whiners we are not.

But here's one thing more and more of us are becoming: DEMOCRATS!

Registered Voters:

Obama 50%
McCain 40%

Likely Voters:

Obama 49%
McCain 42%

These numbers don't lie. Despite their optimism about the future, voters remain troubled about the economy today. That's why they're choosing Obama over McCain. They know we need a competent and wise President now for a better future.


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