Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Progressive Patriots Fund

Senator Russ Feingold's Political Action Committe, the Progressive Patriot's Fund is planning a $5000 donation to one of nine house candidates and you have the opportunity to help choose the recipient. Click here to go to the website and cast your vote.

I voted for Becky Greenwald, who is running to oust the Rep. Tom Latham in Iowa's Fourth Congressional District.

The incumbent has held his seat since the "Republican Revolution" in 1994.  He carried his seat in 2006 with 58% of the vote, but something has happened in the fourth district since that race.  The Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucuses.  Before the caucuses, Republicans outnumbered Democrats by 6,000.  In the run-up to the caucuses, Democratic voter registration surged in the fourth district giving Democrats an 8,000 vote advantage.  The district has a Democratic Performance Index of 52.7%, the 3rd highest district with a Republican representative in the country, Cook's Political Report gives it a PVI of D+0.  With the right candidate, Democrats have a good chance at turning this district blue.

Becky Greenwald is that candidate.  She would not only be another desperately needed progressive voice in Congress, but she would also be the first woman ever elected to the House of Representatives from the state of Iowa.  What Becky mostly needs right now is money.  Her opponent did not face a primary opponent while she garnered 51% of the vote in a crowded field after jumping into the race only eight weeks before the primary.  And during the August recess, he's been holding "congressional events" and has sent "congressional mailings" to his constituents paid for by his congressional office.  The taxpayers are literally funding his re-election campaign.

So please visit the Progressive Patriot's Fund where you can read Becky's profile and cast a vote for her.  You can also contribute directly here.


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