Wednesday, August 20, 2008

As the "McMentum" Collapses... Again!

Oh, my! Just when I thought "poll madness" couldn't get any crazier... We have two new polls! And apparently, both CBS/New York Times & NBC/Wall Street Journal agree on this:

Obama 45%
McCain 42%

Wow. I guess "McMentum" fades fast! As I've said earlier, I'm under no impression that this election will be a "gimme" or a "cakewalk" or an "easy ride". I know McCain & the GOP will throw whatever bulls**t they can make up at Obama, and I know we'll have work to do in the next 2.5 months fighting back with the truth.

Still, I'm pleased to know that McCain's embrace of Bush-Cheney has become a millstone around his neck. Also, I'm intrigued by the NBC/WSJ poll internals. While McCain's attack ads have certainly brought Obama down from the heavens to Planet Earth, he still can't get a majority of voters to support him. What does that say about McCain?

OK, enough of me obsessing over polls. I promise to bring you all more interesting stuff to talk about tonight. In the mean time, let's get to work getting Obama elected. :-)


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