Sunday, October 5, 2008

Karl Rove joins the chorus saying Obama is winning the Electoral College


Karl Rove has published an updated map of the Electoral College which shows Obama over McCain in the Electoral College 273 to 163. His map shows 102 electoral votes in toss-up states. Of course, it take 270 electoral votes to become president.

Rove simply has joined the chorus. 3 Blue Dudes daily updates its list of prognostications from 84 web sites across the Internet; currently 81 sites see an Obama lead; two show a tie; and none predict a McCain lead. The eleven sites that updated their data yesterday show Obama with an average of 308 electoral votes. Those same eleven sites see McCain with an average of 196 electoral votes. Five web sites among those eleven include toss-up states; there was an average of 74 electoral votes among the toss-up states yesterday.


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